环境:RHEL 6.4 + Oracle
目录: 一、二、
四、 五、一、闪回查询
-- 初始化参数undo_retentionundo_retention=1800 (1800s=0.5h),若条件允许,可以适当调大此参数。-- 是否强制保留undo_retention的时间select tablespace_name, retention from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name like 'UNDO%';alter tablespace undotbs1 retention guarantee;
1.1 闪回查询举例
select count(1) from t1 as of timestamp systimestamp - interval '5' minute;
--操作T1表删除一条记录SQL> select count(1) from t1; COUNT(1)---------- 100SQL> delete from t1 where id=1;1 row deleted.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL> select count(1) from t1; COUNT(1)---------- 99--闪回查询5分钟之前T1的状态,重新插入误删除的那条记录。SQL> select count(1) from t1 as of timestamp systimestamp - interval '5' minute; COUNT(1)---------- 100SQL> insert into t1 select * from t1 as of timestamp systimestamp - interval '5' minute where id = 1;1 row created.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL> select count(1) from t1; COUNT(1)---------- 100
1.2 闪回版本查询举例
--得到当前的SCNselect dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual;--Get Current SCN:3218516--更新操作update t1 set contents = 'AAA' where id = 1;commit;update t1 set contents = 'BBB' where id = 1;commit;select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual;--Get Current SCN:3218522--删除,插入,更新操作delete from t1 where id = 1;commit;insert into t1 values(1,1,'CCC');commit;update t1 set contents = 'DDD' where id = 1;commit;select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual;--Get Current SCN:3218530
查询SCN在3218516 and 3218530之间的行id=1的完整历史:
select versions_startscn, versions_endscn, versions_xid, versions_operation, id, contentsfrom t1versions between scn 3218516 and 3218530where id = 1;VERSIONS_STARTSCN VERSIONS_ENDSCN VERSIONS_XID V ID CONTENTS----------------- --------------- ---------------- - ---------- -------------------------------------------------- 3218529 01001700D0090000 U 1 DDD 3218526 3218529 09000500AD0A0000 I 1 CCC 3218524 0A001C00D3090000 D 1 BBB 3218521 3218524 02002100B60A0000 U 1 BBB 3218518 3218521 08001800B60A0000 U 1 AAA 3218518 1 rMLTDXxxqXOZnqYRJwInlGfGBTxNkAszBGEUGELqTSRnFjRGbi6 rows selected.
由于undo表空间有限,因此flashback_transaction_query中只包含一部分事物。2.1 闪回事物查询的先决条件
必须先启用重做日志流的其他日志记录。闪回事物查询既需要增强的重做信息,也需要撤销信息。--开启重做日志流的其他日志记录alter database add supplemental log data;alter database add supplemental log data(primary key) columns;--赋予相关权限给操作闪回事物的用户grant execute on dbms_flashback to jingyu;grant select any transaction to jingyu;
2.2 闪回事物查询
select start_scn, commit_scn, logon_user, operation, table_name, undo_sqlfrom flashback_transaction_querywhere xid = hextoraw('05000E00C70B0000'); START_SCN COMMIT_SCN LOGON_USER OPERATION TABLE_NAME UNDO_SQL---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3528038 3528039 JINGYU INSERT T1 delete from "JINGYU"."T1" where ROWID = 'AAAVvOAAFAAAACHAAA'; 3528038 3528039 JINGYU BEGIN
--删除表记录delete from t1;commit;--需要启用row movementalter table t1 enable row movement;--闪回表T1flashback table t1 to timestamp systimestamp - interval '3' minute;
SQL> delete from t1;100 rows deleted.SQL> commit;Commit complete.--由于未启用row movement,闪回表会报错ORA-08189:SQL> flashback table t1 to timestamp systimestamp - interval '3' minute;flashback table t1 to timestamp systimestamp - interval '3' minute *ERROR at line 1:ORA-08189: cannot flashback the table because row movement is not enabledSQL> alter table t1 enable row movement;Table altered.SQL> flashback table t1 to timestamp systimestamp - interval '3' minute;Flashback complete.SQL> select count(1) from t1; COUNT(1)---------- 100SQL> alter table t1 disable row movement;Table altered.
四、Flashback Data Archive
Flashback Data Archive仅记录UPDATE和DELETE语句,不记录INSERT语句。--创建表空间(可以使用现有表空间,但Oracle建议最好使用专用表空间)create tablespace fda1;create tablespace fda2;create tablespace fda3;--创建闪回归档create flashback archive fa_config tablespace fda1 retention 10 year;create flashback archive fa_data tablespace fda1 retention 1 year;--数据字典视图dba_flashback_archive, dba_flashback_archive_ts查看闪回归档、闪回归档和表空间的关系set linesize 1000col FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_NAME for a20col CREATE_TIME for a34col LAST_PURGE_TIME for a34col OWNER_NAME for a20select * from dba_flashback_archive;select * from dba_flashback_archive_ts;--权限 flashback archive administer(有这个系统权限才可以创建和修改FDA),flashback archive(有这个对象权限才能启用对表的跟踪)--给闪回归档增加表空间alter flashback archive fa_data add tablespace fda3 quota 50M;--清除归档fa_data归档中2015年11月17日前的所有行:alter flashback archive fa_data purge before timestamp to_timestamp('2015-11-16 00:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');--表分配到闪回归档alter table T1 flashback archive fa_config;alter table T2 flashback archive fa_data;--查询DBA_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_TABLES分析使用FDA的表select * from dba_flashback_archive_tables;--查询5年前T1表的数据量(对用户而言,AS OF查询使用的是FDA还是UNDO表空间是完全透明的)select count(1) from t1 as of timestamp systimestamp - interval '5' year;
5.1 配置闪回数据库
5.1.1 开启闪回数据库:
--必须配置闪回恢复区show parameter db_recovery--必须归档模式shutdown immediate;startup mount exclusive;alter database archivelog;--设置闪回保留的目标时间(只是target,2880分钟=两天)alter system set db_flashback_retention_target=2880;--开启数据库闪回alter database flashback on;--打开数据库alter database open;
5.1.2 关闭闪回数据库:
startup mount exclusive;alter database flashback off;alter database open;
5.2 使用闪回数据库
例如RMAN可以基于线程和特定日志号进行闪回。--RMAN基于线程和特定日志号进行闪回举例RMAN> flashback database to sequence=307 thread=2;--在SQL>提示符下,闪回到一小时前的状态shutdown immediate;startup mount exclusive;flashback database to timestamp sysdate-(1/24);--read only打开检查确定是要恢复的状态alter database open read only;--最后resetlogs打开alter database open resetlogs;--从闪回数据库排除表空间(创建时指定或后期修改flashback off)alter tablespace dbs_d_test flashback off;--若重新启用表空间闪回,需要打开flashback后,重新启动数据库。alter tablespace dbs_d_test flashback on;--使用担保还原点fla_initcreate restore point fla_init guarantee flashback database;flashback database to restore point fla_init;
5.3 监视闪回数据库
--查询可以将数据库闪回到多久之前select * from v$flashback_database_log;--查询数据库的闪回状态select current_scn, flashback_on from v$database;--监视每小时生成闪回数据的速率select * from v$flashback_database_stat;
- OCP 认证考试指南 (1Z0-053)[M]. 清华大学出版社, 2010.